15 Least Favorite TV Moments of the Year
The first in a series of end of the year lists. Sorry for no star ratings, but all of these would fall between zero and one star. “Are you aware that we have a sketch about Commedia dell’arte?” “Sure. I love the works of Moliere and his contemporaries” “Since most of them aren’t familiar with […]
Navel Gazing Part 2: Sneakers as Temporal Landmarks
Now that is a triple-word-score $5 title!(all ridiculousness aside, stick with me, I’ll explain what I mean by that later. I really couldn’t think of a more condensed name for the concept.) Those that know me and read the website (I’d wager the two are almost mutually exclusive — except for the ragtag bunch of […]
Warm Winters
Mini-Review! Not to get all Seinfeldian here, but really, what’s the deal with warm winters? Here it is, January and it’s feeling like mid-March. Everyone knows what winter is good for, so I won’t go into detail here, but still, I expect some snowy fun. Of course it did snow in December and it remained […]
Christmas 2005
Be sure to check out Nate’s review of Christmas cards that this review “posted over” tonight. Sorry Nate, I’m just trying to take care of the Christmas Night Media Blitz. One more down, and lots more to go. It’s not like I hate Christmas, it’s just that I’m a good number of years away from […]
Christmas Cards
Worst. Christmas. Card. Ever. I’m taking a little break in my continuing series of reviews on my collection of Nintendo games, but fear not, I still have some doozies to share. That’s right. I just said “Doozy”. I didn’t send out Christmas cards last year. It was kinda a big deal because the year before, […]
Dan’s review of The Myth of Christmas Starting Earlier Every Year
Dan prefers to think the Nessie does exist, because there’s no proof that it doesn’t. Here we go again. It seems as though, once again, my opinion is wrong and has been invalidated by our site’s speech-impairing oppressor, the same man who makes up words like “opinionary” for use in his reviews. The opinion in […]
The Myth of the Christmas Season Coming Earlier Every Year
The Junior Staff has done it again. Instead of reviewing his review per se, I’ll simply re-assess the topic through the lens of having read his review. The issue with his review is simply that it’s plain-old wrong and short-sighted. Nate hates Christmas. I know that Nate is older than I am (by a whole […]
The Myth of the Christmas Season Coming Earlier Every Year
Is this where we’re headed? I used to think this was a joke; something that hippies and old ladies complain about. “Christmas is getting here earlier every year”. “Yeah, right”, I’d say. “Thanksgiving is still Thanksgiving, and Christmas season doesn’t start until after that, on Black Friday when all the parents of the spoiled children […]
A review of the actual day, not the “Post hardcore” band Thursday is probably the most overlooked day of the week, aside from Sunday. While Sunday is the day of regret followed by wild Saturday nights and the disappointing realization that the weekend is over and tomorrow is Monday, Thursday will forever live sandwiched between […]