13 Months of Empty Bookshelf Reviews
Though this was meant to correspond with Nate’s review of the first 100 reviews, schedules and, uh, not-feeling-like-it-at-the-moment-because-it’s-a-bit-daunting-of-a-task-itis, has delayed this “One Year Anniversary” review and pushed it into 13/14 months, but that’s fine by me. WARNING: Intense self-congratulation ahead. Nate’s recap covered things in a time-based manner, in fact you could almost call it […]
The Human Back (Model Year 1982)
(Ripping off of 1/3 of Adam’s title from last fall) The MD: Tell me about the pain in your back. Me: Well, I can stand up and lie on my back just fine. The MD: Okay, good. Me: But everything other than that feels like the end of the world. The MD: (In the way […]
Thinking You’re Doing Something Original
Site note: to potentially get some commenting going on, you can now leave a comment without needing to fill-in an e-mail address. What’s that sound? Why, it’s the sound of accountability going out the window! Hmmph. I never thought we’d be “pioneers” in this little internet endeavor, but I did think that, at the minimum, […]
Block I of CUCVM, the Human Ribcage (1984 model), and Misc.
Note: I originally rated my final subject as a 1.5 star performance due to what I felt was excessive plagiarism. However, before I could publish this, our dictator chose to steal my triple-review format (though he admits this freely). Therefore, I awarded myself another half-star. Damn, Commies. Okay, I’ll be honest…I’ve been slacking it on […]
We’re at it again?
So I hear we’re starting another project. Wonderful. A wesite is always something I’ve wanted to see if I could help keep afloat, and as I have nothing really better to do in my spare time lately, and I’ve been feeling rather judgmental, I think it’s worth a try. Reviewing things seems to be a […]