Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

Before I start, let me say that I’m going to be abbreviating the name of the show to “Studio 60”, both for the name of the show, and the show with-in the show. Our dictatorial leader may argue against that, saying that I don’t work on the show. I do though happen to be friends with someone who does work on the show, so I think that’s close enough. Also, Jenna, if you read this, don’t hate me. I have missed either one or two of the episodes, so if anybody has seen anything on them that contradicts my findings, let me know.

Could we BE any funnier?…. No I actually mean that. These are the most serious comedians I’ve ever seen.

I want Studio 60 to succeed. I really do. In theory. The problem is that I can’t bring myself to like it as much as I think I should. While I like a good deal of the characters (or at least their potential) and possible conflict ideas that could be presented, the actual realization of these characters and stories is leaving a bit to be desired in my mind.

Maybe the bar has just been set too high. The creator/writer of the show is the guy behind the West Wing, and one of my personal favorites, Sports Night. Heck, I even patterned my senior video project after this style, with moderate success. I guess my thought was that he’d be able to take best parts of West Wing, and apply them to the same themes and fast-paced nature that Sports Night brought us. Plus there was an “all-star” cast. I don’t argue with the caliber of the lead actors, but, NBC, saying that Sarah Paulson and Nate Corddry are stars doesn’t make them that. That’s like saying that Diet Coke tastes great. It really doesn’t, but the more you hear it, the more you start to believe it may be true. Unfortunately, when you go to taste it, you know you’re completely wrong.

That’s not to say that the two of them aren’t serviceable. They’re perfectly fine actors. Do I believe that they, along with D.L. Hughley, are stars of a late night comedy show? Mostly no. I think this is more of a testament to how they’re written, rather than how they’re performed. But I’ll get to that.

I think that one of the show’s problems is that its focus is too wide. Rather than having a few main characters and a bunch of side characters, they decided to give everyone a more equal share of the time, this being the reason that NBC decided to tell us about fifteen names of people starring on the show. What made Sport Night so good wasn’t its author’s famous idealism, or his apparent love of TV/sports as means to change people’s lives, but it was the relationship between the two leads, played by Peter Krause (who has since been nominated for multiple emmys for Six Feet Under) and Josh Charles, (who has since appeared in Muppets From Space). These two were written and portrayed perfectly, making us believe that they were age-old friends and not just two actors who were thrown together after auditions. It was pure perfection. Of course there were other characters including what I would bill as two other leads, two supporting roles, and a bunch of side/background characters who were always there and consistently had lines, but no stories focused on them.

“Are you aware that we have a sketch about Commedia dell’arte?”
“Sure. I love the works of Moliere and his contemporaries”
“Since most of them aren’t familiar with 17th Century French theatre, we should maybe do something our audience might actually enjoy, or find funny?”
“It’s Italian, and you know, you should really stop dangling your modifiers like that”
“HAHAHAHAHAHA. You’re an hilarious writer who is a thinly veiled representation of our show’s creator.”
“God I hate reality shows.”

Studio 60 (the drama) recycles this relationship, and even with Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford playing the parts, it just doesn’t seem the same. They just don’t have that “I know what you’re thinking before you even thought about it” vibe that they could. I understand that the scenes are shorter and slower than on Sports Night, but Perry and Whitford’s characters just don’t give off that best friends thing, as much as everyone on the show says.

In fact, that’s probably the show’s second biggest problem. Nobody lives up to their self-induced hype. These two are supposed to be a Brilliant writer, and producer, but every sketch we’ve seen Perry write has been mostly unfunny, and I barely ever see Whitford doing any sort of show-running. It extends to other characters and even the show itself. Amanda Peet is touted as a network-saving genius studio executive, even though all she does is hang out at Studio 60 (there must not be other shows on her network), talk about not having friends, and look knowingly at Perry and Whitford” about what, I don’t know. The three big stars of the show seem just too uptight and serious backstage, and not loose and funny as you’d expect them to be ” especially at the many wrap parties we’ve been able to see. In fact we’ve seen more wrap parties than actual episodes of the show on the show. They should just call it “Hollywood Post-Show Cocktail Party”. And because of that we have no reason to believe that the show (within the show) is actually improving (the reason that Perry and Whitford were brought in to run it in the first place). Everyone talks about how great the variety show is, but all I’ve seen are a few awful GWB impressions, two introductions for the Nicolas Cage show, “Meet the Press with Juliet Lewis” (???), and multiple indictments of organized religion (one of which was so “brilliant”” and hyped” that we felt cheated when we didn’t even get to see any of it).

Maybe it’s ripping SNL’s inability to be funny, but the theme of the show is so idealistic about the power of good entertainment, and the lack of that on TV that I hardly think that’s the case. It seems to be saying that SNL (which exists in the world of Studio 60) is bad, but could be as great as it once was (the overhyped nostalgia at work)” but offers few solutions as to what the remedy could be.

Which brings me to the biggest problem. Sorkin was ALWAYS preachy. There was the episodes of Sports Night dealing with moral issues of hunting, flying the confederate flag, marijuana legalization, and more, and those were in the first 7 episodes. The West Wing took that to another level by having the perfect president tell everyone how things should be in an ideal world. There was a post-9/11 episode that consisted of the White House staff talking to a group on a field trip about why the terrorists hate America, and what a perfect world would be like, and who could forget the President yelling at God from inside the national cathedral.

Studio 60 (the drama) seems to take that preachiness and force-feed us, with multiple morals for each episode. If I want my morals given to me, I want them in small doses. This past week we were given two separate lectures on the merits of television history (including the fact that neither of Nate Corddry’s fifty-some year old parents had never heard of Abbot and Costello or “Who’s on First”, and the other story being about blacklisting), the plight of the smart black comedian to rise above stereotypes and dangerous upbringings, and a studio executive going on a tirade against a drama set in the U.N. that nobody would care about (a nod to executives questioning The West Wing in its formative years?…at the very least a shot at execs for not liking “smart” TV). All of these were not only blatantly told to us, but in HUUUUGE monologues that not only lacked any kind of subtlety, but rather than informing, seemed to condescend by telling us that we don’t know as much as Aaron Sorkin. We get it. You’re a well-educated Hollywood big shot, and we’re small America, and therefore we’re idiots. I’ve got news for you. Small America probably couldn’t care less about how much you know, and by treating them like know-nothings, you defeat your purpose of turning people to good TV, by driving them away.

And for a show that’s as slickly produced, and high-and-mighty about how bad everything else on TV is, you surely have given us some predictable storylines. A vagrant walks into the dressing room of the building and takes an old staff picture that’s hanging on the wall. He mutters the names of some famous old-time Hollywood writers. It turns out that he’s one of the people in the picture!!!! What a shock! D.L. Hughley takes Matthew Perry to see a black stand-up comic, in hopes that he’ll bring some diversity to the writing staff. The comic is the stereotypical “whites do things this way, and blacks do them this way” guy, and Hughley is embarrassed. The two of them hang out at the bar though, and as they’re about to leave, they hear a guy who would be great on the staff!!! I was surprised!!! Perry’s ex-girlfriend and star of the show starts dating a baseball player. He’s not such a good guy, it turns out!!! OMG!!!

NBC is wondering why nobody is watching what was the most talked about show for the fall season. The thing is, they did watch. The first episode did good numbers. The show has been steadily losing viewers each week, and it’s not hard to see why. People don’t like being told what to think by Hollywood types, not overtly at least. Sorkin tried to do with L.A. what he did with Washington, make a corrupt system look ideal. The situations in Hollywood, though, just seem superficial compared to the problems that a world leader faces, and offer less logical ways to discuss things of such vast importance. While I agree with what Sorkin says, I disagree with how he’s saying it these days.

I’ll keep watching. I want to like the show. But will I miss the characters when it ends? Will I want to know what happens to them? Not really. Sorkin has chosen his themes and morals over his characters this time around, and not even I have the blinders to overlook it. I believe in the ideal of “Studio 60”, (that quality TV is going by the wayside, and that the American audience is complacent with watching crap) just not the way it’s being fed to me.


Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip receives two stars for being an incredibly polished and well put-together show, better than 80 percent of TV these days, but one that knows it, and rubs its face in the fact that the rest of television is awful except for it, the program that will restore brains to the boob-tube. Characters suffer because of Sorkin’s need to prove a point, and the name dropping of obscure authors, musicians, etc. only serve to alienate the audience that it depends on to keep running. Please, just don’t blame the fans for not watching your quality television program; blame yourself.

2 responses to “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip”

  1. […] December 8th, 2006 Nate The first in a series of end of the year lists. Sorry for no star ratings, but all of these would fall between zero and one star. “Are you aware that we have a sketch about Commedia dell’arte?” “Sure. I love the works of Moliere and his contemporaries” “Since most of them aren’t familiar with 17th Century French theatre, we should maybe do something our audience might actually enjoy, or find funny?” “It’s Italian, and you know, you should really stop dangling your modifiers like that” “HAHAHAHAHAHA. You’re an hilarious writer who is a thinly veiled representation of our show’s creator.” “God I hate reality shows.” Runners up: Fox cancels ‘Arrested Development’- Granted the ratings were bad, and viewership was leaking due to mishandled promotions/timeslots and the overall nature of the show, but it was still sad to see it go. Oprah making a big deal over the fact that that guy’s memoir wasn’t real, even though it still was an inspirational story. Megan Mullally upstages Meat Loaf – Megan Mullally has a talk show… a really annoying one, and when Meat Loaf came on to perform from ‘Bat Out of Hell 3’, she had to jump in and sing the last part of “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” with him. If it was anyone else, it might not have seemed that bad, but she did it in a way that screamed “it’s all about me!”. Talk shows should be about making your guest look interesting, not feeding your huge ego. It just came off as incredibly awkward. The finalists… in no particular order. ‘My Super Sweet 16’- The new king of hated television. Why should I watch rich, obnoxious people demand things of their parents in a manner worse than Veruca Salt? Because I’m supposed to root against them? It doesn’t seem that way, instead encouraging kids to be ungrateful and rude. Nancy Grace- Any single show will do, but I’d go with the one where she accused someone of killing their own child during an interview (Nancy accused her during the interview; she didn’t kill the kid during it), leading the woman to shoot herself. Way to go Nancy . You inadvertently killed someone. Gwen Stefani performs at A.M.A.s – From the moment they said she would be debuting her new hit, I knew there was gonna be trouble. Sure enough, there was yodeling, there were Asian girls in lederhosen with blonde wigs, there were sheep. Completely strange, and completely awful. Chevy Chase on ‘Law and Order’ – RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES!! Chevy Chase plays a washed-up star of some sort who gets arrested for killing a Jewish person. The writing is awful, the story was awful, and even the acting was atrocious. Not only that but it made the Mel Gibson story out to be a lot more than it actually was. Connie Chung Goodbye Song- Connie Chung and Maury Povich apparently had a show together. Take a guess how long it lasted. On her last show, she got up on top of a piano like a lounge singer and began to wail (and I mean wail) out a rendition of “my way” I think. It became a moderate internet phenomenon because of how awful it was. Any episode of ‘The War At Home’- Just plain awful… they took Arrested Development off for this? Roger Daltry as the Makeup Killer on ‘CSI’- On thanksgiving night, I watched CSI for the first… and hopefully last, time. Roger Daltry played a mobster who these four guys thought was dead. Then years later he got his revenge on them by dressing up in fat suits and disguising himself as women in order to kill them. Not sure why one of the greatest frontmen in rock history would decide to do this, but I guess the royalty checks he gets for them using his songs is probably a good bet. ‘Celebrity Duets’- Take ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and mix it with ‘American Idol’. What do you get? This craptacular hour of awful celebs singing awfully was thankfully over after only a few weeks. I guess that’s what you get when your judges are Marie Osmond and Little Richard Tony dies on ’24’- Unlike Edgar’s death, this one was handled incredibly poorly. Tony was the only character besides Jack Bauer left from the first season. He was universally loved by this point, as Jack’s right-hand-man. He spent half the season unconscious and then he gets up to try and kill the man who killed his wife. He lets up for national security reasons, and gets stabbed with a hypodermic needle of death. He falls over dead, and nobody mentions him ever again. Completely unnecessary, not as dramatic as it should’ve been, and ambiguous to the point where the audience doesn’t even think he’s dead. Why keep him alive but unconscious for all those episodes if you’re just going to kill him as soon as he wakes up? Zayra on ‘Rockstar: Supernova’ – Strange vocals from someone who wants to be a rock star. I can’t believe the producers picked her over someone more qualified, even though she makes for great, yet horrible TV. ‘Studio 60’ tells us we’re idiots – It seems like every week, ‘Studio 60’ is talking down to the mainstream public and treating Hollywood like the be-all-and end-all of civilization. I’ve been to California . People there aren’t all that smart. Dane Cook returns to ‘SNL’- If you didn’t think his first time (a mere months earlier) hosting the show was funny, you won’t be surprised at the results of this show. Another long “stand-up” set as his monologue, more gay voices, and one of the worst sketches I’ve ever seen. It went so far as to try to explain away it’s awfulness at the end, with a self-aware “lantern”, but that’s like using a suction pump to stop the bleeding. ‘Seventh Heaven’ returns from the dead- it was finally cancelled. That awful show about the perfect and huge family with a one-parent income…. Until the CW executives saw the ratings for the series finale. Now, with almost the entire original cast having moved on, the Camdens have 4 random street-teens living with them for some reason. Just have the second series finale already. WWE; Degeneration X drops feces on the McMahons- Wrestling fans have dealt with a lot of crap (no pun intended): The Katie Vick Story, The Gay Wedding Story, Al Wilson, Eugene, Paternity in a suitcase Ladder Match… but dumping a pile of feces on the boss’ family tops everything. When people ask me how I can defend that, I have no answer. ‘High School Musical’- The biggest phenomenon in all of TV this year saw awful acting and writing manage to hypnotize “tweens” everywhere into making the soundtrack the year’s top-selling CD. Every time it airs, it’s in the top 20 cable shows of the week, even though these people have seen it 20 times each. […]

  2. […] but I feel like I’m part of higher educational history: The first(?) prime time dis’. Calling Out Northwestern on National TV gets four-and-a-half stars for being the first negative namedrop of a college, with that 1/2 beingdeducted for the episode of “Studio 60…” being a perfect example of everything that’s right and everything that’s wrong with the show. *note: I don’t really have any negative feelings towards Northwestern or anything like that, but considering how rarely it’s brought up in pop culture, the fact that it was a negative (or pushing towards negative from neutral, at best) mention makes it quite newsworthy. […]

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