Other People Stealing Your Ideas Without Ever Having Met You or Knowing that They Stole Something Part 2

Mini-Review (no exclamation mark)

Yet one more instance of the Bookshelf® being a step ahead of the mass media.

Last week, the latest “internet phenomenon movie,” 300 released its first official trailer. Without judging the movie, of which I only know a marginable amount, it looks like someone decided to make a bluescreen movie, but this time, turn up the dynamic range.

Just imagine how mad he’d be if someone unknowingly stole his idea…Without asking!

Anyway, take a look at the trailer here, and give it a nice listen. Yep, the music might sound a bit familiar for those of you that remember a semi-but-now-quickly-being-un-disowned movie trailer put together by your favorite group of (not so) local idiots. That’s “Just Like You Imagined” from Nine Inch Nails’ album, The Fragile. These “300” people stole my idea without even having met me or knowing that they stole something.


They get one star because they’re movie looks pretty darn cool, but they lose four because of the aforementioned idea-stealing, and the fact that they didn’t take advantage of the fact that the song already has the “quiet, loud, quiet” dynamic good for making movie trailers dramatic (or in our case, confusing) and just recycled the beginning of the song at the end. Bad form, Hollywood. Bad form.

*to be fair, the song was used in a trailer before we used it, but it was a trailer for a Nine Inch Nails concert DVD, so I think it’s safe to say that that doesn’t count. I’d send a link to that video, but it’s buried within the Flash in the “clips and trailers” section of the DVD’s website.

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2 responses to “Other People Stealing Your Ideas Without Ever Having Met You or Knowing that They Stole Something Part 2”

  1. nothing to do with people stealing your ideas, but as for 300 in general, i’m just glad to see a historical epic that’s not ashamed of being historical fiction. all the other recent ones (im thinking of troy in particular which wasn’t even accurate to the dramatic story it’s based on, much less the historical war) were too high on their horse to admit that they were really just trying to tell a good story and not trying to be tied to history exactly.

    like if troy really wanted to embrace it’s fiction it would have shown more of the god’s interfering which was quite prevalent in Homer’s telling in the Iliad, and if they wanted to go the more historical way they wouldn’t have had a shot of ships showing more people in boats than there were people in the world at the time.

    at least Frank Miller knew when he wrote the book that it was just loosely based on the story of The Battle of Thermopylae. He freely admits that it’s not historically accuate, and if i’m remembering correctly i’ve even heard interviews with the filmmakers telling people it’s not accurate and encouraging them to look into the real story on their own because it’s an interesting story on it’s own.

  2. Man, that should’ve been a guest review entitled, “History – As Important as it Needs to Be.” I’ll agree that a story claiming to be historical fiction gets more credit from me, if only because the writers and “Hollywood” are being honest with themselves for once about the genre.

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