Rockstar: Season 2
This one may balloon to huge proportions again like the season 2 LOST review. That being said, I’m officially starting it on Friday August 18th… we’ll see how long it takes to finish. One of the contestants on the show is named “Storm Large”. The one night after she performed, Tommy Lee said “I’d like […]
The Ubiquitousness of Nic Cage
I honestly think I’d rather see LUKE Cage than Nic Cage right now. Right now Nicolas Cage is everywhere. It’s hard to turn on the TV and not see his long, thin mug. At the moment, he’s got two movies out… The Ant Bully, and World Trade Center, in which he adds a creepy moustache […]
Navel Gazing Part 2: Sneakers as Temporal Landmarks
Now that is a triple-word-score $5 title!(all ridiculousness aside, stick with me, I’ll explain what I mean by that later. I really couldn’t think of a more condensed name for the concept.) Those that know me and read the website (I’d wager the two are almost mutually exclusive — except for the ragtag bunch of […]
Ken Jenning’s Letter to Jeopardy
Aren’t they the happy couple? I saw a link to this on the interweb, and I figured I’d pass it along and thinly disguise it as a review. Ken Jennings has written a letter to Jeopardy offering suggestions on how to update the show. It’s Hi-Larious. I’m not joking. We’re talking “Daily Show“-funny. I understand […]
The Last 40 Minutes of that Jimmy Kimmel Repeat that was on Last Week
Update… I found the entire Kevin Spacey Charlie Rose show that I mention later in the article. Thank goodness for Google Video Not even the Emerald Rake of Jimmy’s hot, Mexican gardener Phillippe Rogriguez could save him from the horrific fake snake attack! I was flipping through the channels last night after watching the replay […]
The First Annual Shenzhen Film Festival
First off, let me thank the Fruit Stand/DVD and CD Store that helped subsidize this festival. Without their 10RMB (that’s ~$1.25) rate for DVD’s, none of this would have been possible. Obviously, they’re taking a monetary loss for the free advertising I promised them in exchange for being the exclusive supplier. Most film festivals have […]
My Frequent Stabs at Highway Planning
I’m no Civil Engineer, but I’d like to think of myself as a Monday Morning Traffic Planner. Some people have football; I have traffic jams. I don’t think of myself as an impatient person; it’s just that I hate indirect routes, especially within cities. I also think highways should be endless straight lines with no […]