Z2K9 — The Day the Music Froze During the Loading Screen
Update 1/1/2009: All better. The thing “fixed” itself. I was this close to composing a strongly worded letter written under only natural light. In the time between beginning this post and finishing it, it looks like Microsoft formally announced a solution to the issue, the always exciting “it’ll fix itself tomorrow.” Of course, that doesn’t […]
Pirated video that shows clearly what the monster really is. It’s been a while since we’ve posted… I know. To put it simply, Cloverfield is effin’ scary. I would venture as far as to say that it was the most viscerally affecting movie I’ve seen since Children of Men. This isn’t just a monster movie; […]
Inadvertently Recreating a Scene from Garden State
Though each time I go to China, I make a pledge to write many reviews (usually a stretch where I’ve written very few) and not follow through, I’ll quietly imply that same pledge now, and begin and start here. With the fact that flying to China from the U.S. is an awful experience, many of […]
Game 3 of the LaFrance China vs. LaFrance US Basketball Series
Chinese people love their basketball. Playing, watching, talking about it, assuming that the black guy that’s over here for four weeks is both an engineer and in the NBA (because he’s black, duh). They love it the way the same way that noted friend of The Bookshelf™ (Josh) Calloway loves ginger ale. Score: 92-80 US […]